
Thursday, February 27, 2014


A face on the cold dire mountain peaks
          Grand and still;its lines wild and austere
Match with the unmeasured snowy streaks
          Cutting heaves, implacable and sheer.

Above it, a mountain of matted hair
          Aeon-coiled on that deathless and lone head
In its solitude huge of lifeless air
          Round, above illimitably spread.

A moon-ray on the forehead, blue and pale,
          Stretched afar its finger of still light
Illumining emptiness. Stern and male
          Mask of peace indifferent in might!

But out from some Infinite born now came
          Over giant snows and the still face
A quiver and colour of crimson flame,
         Fire-point in immensities of space.

Light-spear-tips revealed the mighty shape,
         Tore the secret veil of the heart's hold;
In that diamond heart the fires undrape,
          Living core, a brazier of gold.

This was the closed mute and burning source
          Whence were formed the worlds and their star-dance;
Life sprang a self-rapt  inconscient Force
           Love, a blazing seed, from that flame-trance.

                                                                                   - Sri Aurobindo

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